About Cookies

A cookie is a text file stored by a web server on a computer or mobile device, and the content of a cookie can be retrieved or read only by the server that created the cookie. Cookies are unique to the browser or mobile application you are using. The text in a cookie often consists of identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters.

The openEuler community sometimes stores cookies on computers or mobile devices. We use cookies to improve user experience, including:

  1. Mandatory cookies:
    • When you use the websites, cookies improve your Web browsing experience.
    • Your preferences and settings: A website can use cookies to save settings, such as the languages, font sizes, and other browsing preferences of computers or mobile devices.
  2. Statistical analysis: With cookies, the openEuler community can collect information about your use of our website and other applications, for example, recording a single access (using session cookies) or multiple accesses (using permanent cookies).

The openEuler community does not use cookies for any purposes other than those described in this statement. You can manage or delete cookies based on your preferences. For details, visit AboutCookies.org. You can clear all cookies saved on your computer. Most browsers are set to block cookies. But if you do so, you need to change the user settings yourself every time you visit our website. For details about how to change the browser settings, please visit the following links: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Opera.

If you clear cookies, you need to change user settings each time you visit the openEuler community website. Note that some services in the openEuler community may require cookies. Disabling cookies may affect all or some functions of these services.

2. Other local storage

The openEuler community and some third parties may use other local storage technologies in some products and services, such as local shared objects (also called "Flash cookies") and HTML5 local storage. Similar to cookies, these technologies store information on your device and can record some information about your activities and preferences. However, the devices these technologies use may differ from the devices used by standard cookies, so you may not be able to control them using standard browser tools and settings. For instructions on disabling or deleting information contained in Flash cookies, click here.

3. Do Not Track

Many browsers provide the "Do Not Track" feature, which sends the "Do Not Track" request to websites. So far, major Internet standardization organizations have not established policies to regulate how websites should respond to such requests. The openEuler community does not change how data is collected and used as described in this statement based on the "Do Not Track" setting you have selected or other opt-out settings or features that your browser may provide. However, the openEuler community reserves the right to change the data processing mode without notifying you.