
This legal notice contains legal policies for the openEuler Community. These policies apply to openEuler websites and any other openEuler-related sites that include a link to this notice.

Terms and Conditions for Accessing openEuler Websites

openEuler websites are defined as those operated by the openEuler community, such as the site with domain name, along with any other websites that contain "openEuler" in their domain names and provide a link to this legal notice. openEuler Community may, without notice to you and at any time, revise these terms according to laws, regulations, and market changes. The right to access openEuler websites is granted by openEuler Community according to the terms specified in this Notice. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use openEuler websites. By accessing, browsing, or using openEuler websites and the services provided herein, you acknowledge that you agree with all contents of this Notice. In the event of any violation of these terms and conditions, openEuler Community reserves the right to seek all remedies available by law and in equity against such violations.

Protection of Personal Information

The openEuler Community respects personal information of any individual who accesses this website. When you visit this website, you may be asked to provide basic personal information (such as your name, email address, and contact information). You can choose whether to provide such information. The personal information you provide will be kept confidential in accordance with the applicable laws of the People's Republic of China (PRC). The information will not be provided or disclosed to any third party in any way, except in any of the following cases:

(1) Sharing with your explicit consent. After notifying you of the third party's name, contact information, processing purpose, processing method, and personal information type, and obtaining your explicit consent, the openEuler Community will share the information within the scope of your authorization to the third party.

(2) Sharing under legal circumstances. Your personal information is required to be shared according to applicable laws and regulations, legal procedures, litigation/arbitration, government's compulsory orders, and regulatory requirements.

(3) To the extent required or permitted by law, it is necessary to provide your personal information to third parties to protect your or the public's interests, property, or security from being damaged.

(4) To protect national security or public security of the PRC, or the legitimate rights and interests of you and other individuals, it is necessary to share your personal information.

(5) Your personal information is made public by yourself or has been legally made public.

General Disclaimer

Although openEuler Community has attempted to provide accurate information on openEuler websites, including but not limited to text, pictures, data, opinions, advice, web pages, and links, openEuler Community assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, adequacy, and reliability of such information, or incorrectness or loss of such information. openEuler Community disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, those of ownership, proprietorship, quality, and the absence of viruses. openEuler Community may change the information on openEuler websites at any time without notice. To obtain the latest version information, you shall periodically visit openEuler websites. The mention of non-openEuler Community products or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. openEuler Community does not provide any statement, guarantee or authorization for any of the products or services appearing on the website. The BBS service on openEuler websites, including but not limited to the user names, company names, contacts, pictures, and other information, is provided by the community members, who shall assume full responsibility for such information. Any entity or individual who suspects that the content on openEuler websites (including but not limited to the commodity information posted by community members on infringes upon legal rights or interests shall notify openEuler in written form and provide the identity, ownership certification, associated link (URL), and proof of infringement. openEuler Community will remove the content related to the alleged infringement by law upon receiving the foregoing legal documents.

All materials and contents on openEuler websites are protected by law. Unless otherwise indicated, all copyrights belong to openEuler Community. Without the prior written consent of openEuler Community or other parties hereto, no individual shall replicate, distribute, copy, or broadcast any portion of such information, or connect to or transmit such information through hyperlinks, upload it to any other servers, store it in any information retrieval systems, or use it for any other purposes by any means, except the downloading or printing of it by users for non-commercial purposes (provided that the preceding downloaded or printed information is not modified, and the notification of copyrights or any other proprietary rights contained in such information is reserved).


All logos and trademarks used on openEuler websites are the properties of openEuler Community or other third parties as stated if applicable. No content provided on the openEuler Community website shall be deemed as granting approval or the right to use any trademark or logo aforesaid by implication, lack of objection, or other means without the prior written consent of openEuler Community or any third party which may own the mark. No individual shall use the name, trademark, or logo of openEuler Community by any means without the prior written consent of openEuler Community.

openEuler websites may contain links to third-party websites. Access to any other website linked to on openEuler websites is at the user's own risk and openEuler Community is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, adequacy, and reliability of any information, data, opinion, picture, advice, or statement on these websites. openEuler Community provides these links merely as a convenience and the inclusion of such links does not imply an endorsement, recommendation, promotion, or advertisement.

Website Updates and Changes

The contents on this website are provided for your convenience only. The openEuler Community has the right to change or update the contents on this website at any time without notifying you or any third party. You acknowledge and accept the above changes or updates. You are advised to visit this website regularly to obtain information about updates or changes in a timely manner.

Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

You agree that your access and all related activities on or through this website shall be governed by, construed, and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the PRC. You agree that any dispute between the parties arising out of or in connection with this legal notice or your access and all related activities on or through this website shall be governed by a court with jurisdiction in Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area of the People's Republic of China.